There are three clean air operation theatres on the first floor, two for routine eye surgeries and one for lasik.
All the three theatres have pressurized air pumped in though special filters called HEPA or high Efficacy Particulate air filters/ Laminar floor Unit. To prevent contamination of the inside air, these theatre open to the outside.
The pumped in air produces in the theatre, slightly less in the air lock room and atmospheric prssure in the rest of the clinic. Thus, every time the door opened, the flow of air is always from inside to out,preventing contaminated air entering the operation theatre. There is a seprate pass box for trasferring used instruments. The pass box also has double doors prevent contamination of air in the operation theater.
Jointless floor to prevent collection of dust.
Dust repelling aluminium double walls with antibacterial polyurethane foam between the two walls.
Coving (or rouding) of all corners in the theater for easy cleaning and to prevent collection of dust.