+91-2692-259887 | eyecare.drnishant@gmail.com
The eye is flled with a nourishing fuid called aqueous humour. The pressure of this fuid maintains the spherical shape of the eyeball much like the air in a football.
Glaucoma is a disease where there is an abnormal increase in pressure , enough to damage the inside of the eye very often , it is silent and does not cause pain , which makes it a more dangerous killer of sight. It is a disease , which if not diagnosed and treated in time can have disastrous consequences like blindness
Glaucoma most often occurs in adults over age of 45, but it can also occur in young adults, children, and even in infants.
Glaucoma most often occurs in adults over age of 45, but it can also occur in young adults, children, and even in infants.
Are older than 45, have a family history of glaucoma, have severe nearsightedness (myopia) have diabetes, use of cortisone or steroids, have a previous eye injury.
The following are symptoms of glaucoma - Loss of vision, seeing halos around lights, narrowing of vision (tunnel vision), redness in the eye, Dimness of vision, nausea or vomiting, pain in the eye
Regular eye examinations by your ophthalmologist are the best way to detect glaucoma. During your glaucoma evaluation, your ophthalmologist will
Damagecausedby glaucoma is irreversible, butmedicationsor surgery are used to help prevent further loss of vision. Prescription eye drops or pills are also used in the early stages of these conditions.If medications don’t work, your eyes doctor may
Glaucoma examination with 4 features in 1 all registered together (according to the new ADVANCED IMAGING in GLAUCOMA (AIG STUDY)
Field Analysis for,
Computeri zed intraocular pressure measurement, Specially useful in early postoperative cases eyes, etc
Computeri zed intraocular pressure measurement, Specially useful in early postoperative cases eyes, etc
Goldmann Applanation Tonometer, Takagi, Japan
In Nishant eye hospital a highly qualified and experienced Dr. Nishant Patel. is available.